- The lady of the barge
- Um lance
- Language and character of the Roman people
- A language study based on Bantu or inquiry into the laws of root-formation
- Lars Porsena or the future of swearing
- The law of the rhythmic breath
- The lay of the Nibelung men
- Lean's collectanea
- Leaves of grass
- La légende des siécles
- The legend of Aleister Crowley
- The Legion of Honour
- Lei do divórcio
- Leis da família
- Leomil
- Leopardi
- The letters of William Blake together with a life
- Lettres persanes
- Lettres portugaises
- Liberalism
- A liberdade transcendental
- The life and letters of Herbert Spencer
- The Lifeline
- The life of John Ruskin
- The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley
- The life works of Goethe
- Light on the Path and Karma
- Le linceul du Christ
- Literatura brasileira
- The literature of Germany
- The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians
- The literature of the French Renaissance
- Les literatures de l'Inde
- La littérature
- La littérature française au XIX= 19 éme siécle
- Littérature italienne
- La littérature portugaise
- La littérature religieuse d'avant-hier et d'aujourd'hui
- Lives of the necromancers or an account of the most eminent persons in successive ages who have...
- O livro das crianças
- Livro de memórias
- Livro de trovas
- O livro do silêncio
- O lôdo
- Logic
- The London mercury
- London novels
- Longe
- Lord Arthur Savile's crime and other prose pieces
- Lord Rutland est Shakespeare
- L´organisation anti-maçonnique en France
- The Lost and Hostile Gospels
- The lost empires of the modern world
- The lost keys of Feemasonry or the secret of Hiram Abiff
- Love affairs of some famous men
- Love and Mr. Levisham
- Lovely woman
- La lutte universelle
- Luz gloriosa
- Luz poeirenta
- Lyra de Cybéle
- Lyrae Carmen
- Lyrica
- Lyrica I
- The lyrical dramas of Aeschylus
- Lyrical songs idylls and epigrams done into English
- Lyrisme, épopée, drame