- A gallery of literary portraits
- Os gatos
- G. de Nerval
- The gem pocket pronouncing dictionary of the english language
- Generally speaking
- Le génie et les théories de M. Lombroso
- Genius and degeneration
- The genuine in Shakespeare
- George Bernard Shaw
- The Georgics of Virgil
- German self-taught by the natural method
- The germans in Belgium
- Germany
- Germany of to-day
- Getting married and the shewing-up of Blanco Posnet
- The Giant's Robe
- Gitanjali (song- offerings) and fruit-gathering
- Gleba
- Goethe
- Goethe's Faust
- The Golden Ass
- The golden treasury
- Gorjeos del alma
- Grammaire abrégée de la langue grecque
- La grande illusion
- As grandes tragicas do silêncio
- Grandeur et décadence des classes moyennes
- The Grand Magazine
- Great philosophies of the world
- The Great Pyramid: its Divine Message
- Great short stories of detection, mistery and horror
- Greece under the romans
- The Greek anthology
- The Greek bucolic poets
- Greek folk poesy
- The Greek genius and its meaning to us
- The Greek orators
- The Greek Renaissance
- Guerra Junqueiro et le problème des influences françaises dans son oeuvre
- La guerre des dieux
- The guide to astrology
- Gulliver's travels